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19 April 2011

Traversing larger graphs with OQGRAPH 3. Time for Bacon?

Using the IMDB data, I have loaded the actor and actress database into a few simple InnoDB tables and have performed the following test:

MariaDB [imdb]> show status like "Innodb_rows_read";
| Variable_name    | Value   |
| Innodb_rows_read | 1237459 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [imdb]> select x.* from entity as orig, entity as dest, imdb_graph, entity as x where dest.type='ACTOR' and'Kevin Bacon' and imdb_graph.latch=2 and and and and orig.type='ACTOR' and'James Earl Jones';
| id      | type    | name                                                             |
|  780890 | ACTOR   | James Earl Jones                                                 |
| 1922997 | ARCHIVE | "20 to 1" (2005) {Our All Time Favourite Films (#9.11)}  (voice) |
|  131965 | ACTOR   | Antonio Banderas                                                 |
| 1945521 | ARCHIVE | Oscar, que empiece el espect?culo (2008)                         |
| 1003551 | ACTOR   | Kevin Bacon                                                      |
5 rows in set (2.80 sec)

MariaDB [imdb]> show status like "Innodb_rows_read";
| Variable_name    | Value   |
| Innodb_rows_read | 2102482 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [imdb]> select (2102482 - 1237459)/2.8;
| (2102482 - 1237459)/2.8 |
|             308936.7857 |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)

Over 300,000 edges examined per second... Nifty.

The entity table has approximately 3 million entries and the link table has approximately 30 million edges.

Note - this performance is with a warmed up buffer pool. With a cold buffer pool, the query takes nearly 30 seconds.

14 April 2011


I had a good and lively audience at my presentation today. I was happy to give them a sneek preview of the Mk.III implementation of OQGRAPH.

Oh yeah! I guess I'm announcing the availability of the source code of the MkIII implementation.

Links are in my slides...

Btw, building the storage engine requires Boost libraries and libJudy installed. It's currently in a MariaDB repo ... versions for MySQL and Drizzle are to follow.